Sunday, October 27, 2019

Aborted Star Wars Rewatch: The Phantom Menace

Ann: I am being forced to watch the phantom menace. Help.

Ann: I live with a lunatic who thinks you must watch every movie from a series in order every time a new one comes out

Ann: So far I am reminded of standing in front of my 9th grade class giving an effortless performance of a scene from a play we are studying

Ann: Am I supposed to laugh at the jokes?

Ann: Why is there so much shit on my screen?

Ann: What am I supposed to focus on

Ann: Those boys waddling into the water like they too cool to do the super dive. Bitch, look at your hair. You're not fooling anyone.

Ann: Big doo doo? Did my one year old write this script?

Ann: Did Jubba lose weight?

Ann: Gooberfish...😐

Ann: Why are they all speaking English? Did they think their audience would be too stupid to read subtitles? Well...if you enjoy this film...🤷‍♀️ Maybe so.

Ann: Can you imagine being a 55 year old man and writing this dialogue? Chucking to yourself as you type "doo doo" and "gooberfish.

Ann: This queen has the worst and weakest entourage ever

Ann: Shield generators been hit! Mommmm! Help meeee!

Ann: Why he gotta sit down if he's a hologram

Ann: Can someone hand that slimy gray creature a napkin? His slick skin is grossing me out

Ann: Is that great grandpa r2 d2?

Ann: It's so funny when aliens step in Dino shit

Ann: Trailer trash alien flies?

Ann: Love at first sight. Anakin and padme

Ann: He is a PERSON!

Ann: This lunatic is translating the alien dialogue for me and laughing at himself for remembering it by heart

Ann: These are my friends mom. A strange foreign older man, his companions and a queen in disguise...can you make us pb&j?

Ann: 5 year old anakin is gonna fix a ship for a powerful Jedi

Ann: "The queen doesn't need to know." Oh shit. PLOT TWIST coming

Ann: These kids teasing the future Darth Vader. They're gonna be sorry. They will ALL be sorry

Ann: "I'm gonna be the first one to see them all!" So I can rule and enslave the universe!

Ann: I have this strong desire to scroll through Facebook instead of watching the rest of this.

Ann: Why he got a walking stick if he flies? Reminds me of the overweight walle like people capable of walking using scooters at walmart

Ann: My cat is kneading my heart beat bear and that is more interesting than this pile of rubbish

Ann: Why is dodou here?

Ann: You can't have a Star Wars film without a farting anteater camel

Ann: No one wants to see Jubba unless there's a good bikini Leia beside him

Ann: Your engine probably stalled because you're team mystic

Ann: I'm bored. Can I just browse through fb with a shitty movie on in the background like a normal person

Ann: I can see cp320s brain spinning. Is this ok?

Ann: CAn this race end already? This could have been condensed to 10 seconds.

Ann: My name ain't anakin no more, it's ice. Ice.

Ann: Can we fast forward? Even anakins mom is playing on the iPad now

Ann: The crowds are going nuts this dragged irrevelent scene is finally OVER

Ann: "Take my son with you."
"Can I go, mom?"

Ann: As a mother, I could never justify letting my son travel the universe with a Jedi, alien and disguised queen without me.

Ann: My little baby anakin legs are tired! Wait!

Ann: i need to get some waters from the grocery story. Some mandarin oranges too.

Ann: I've already tuned this shit out. My mind is now showing me a cooking video.

Ann: Holy shit they need some traffic control up there

Ann: YODA. Save this film!

Ann: Ewww how his flappy neck keep that egg head supported

Ann: Coneheads crossover?

Ann: Don't tell frank but imma about to take a nap with my eyes open

Ann: Who told fake padme that makeup looked good? Learn about contouring, girl.

Ann: Your buttchin gives you away. I already know you're the evil king with your hood up

Ann: Baby Darth Vader is annoying af

Ann: This movie is severely lacking Han Solo. I'm bored out of my goddamn mind. Can we just watch the originals and the sequels?

Ann: Why isn't r2d2 taking a bow?

Ann: Oooh that's a fancy wand #darthmaul

Ann: My son is pointing at jarjar binks and babbling something that sounds positive about this character. Lord help me.

Ann: Expelliarums!!

Ann: It sucked