Ben: So I finished THE WASTE LANDS while doing laundry last night.
Me: That must have been a lot of laundry.
Ben: I really don't have any criticism.
Ben: It was really solid and interesting.
Me: What did you think of the train?
Ben: It's pretty great.
Me: Hahaha.
Ben: Why, what should I think of the train?
Me: I was just wondering.
Ben: It is a fucking pink supersonic monorail driven by an insane suicidal AI who likes to tell riddles.
Ben: Oh man, it was terrible though.
Ben: In my head, I couldn't stop imagining that it was voiced by Owen Wilson.
Me: That is terrible.
Ben: I hope they cast him for the movie adaptation.
Ben: So I suppose I can confirm that THE WASTE LANDS is the best book yet in the Dark Tower decaoctology.
Ben: Lots of action and interesting developments, and Susannah didn't speak much.
Me: What are some interesting developments?
Ben: The house monster.
Ben: Everyone having a psychic link.
Ben: The billy-bumbler.
Ben: Everything about the city.
Ben: Time bein all crazy.
Ben: Blaine the pain.
Ben: And I guess Susannah is pregnant or whatever because why not.
Gonna make her pretty fucking hard to carry around, especially since
they forgot her wheelchair on the train platform for no reason.
Ben: Probably better off, honestly.
Ben: Better abort that kid right now.
Ben: Who the fuck would want to be born into this shitty world?
Ben: Maybe it will be like Renesmee Cullen, where the baby will just be born fully grown so as to better facilitate the plot.
Ben: Time is already proven to be fucked, it would make at least as much sense as it did in TWILIGHT.
Me: Were you relieved that the Tick Tock Man survived?
Ben: I was more relieved that the man in black had returned.
Ben: And that it appeared that he was no longer completely in control of Roland's ka-tet.
Ben: There's finally some kind of conflict.
Ben: You have to strike a balance with this destiny bullshit.
Me: How did you know it was him?
Me: He changed his name again.
Ben: Yeah what a weirdo.
Ben: Just use your real name, dude, this guy doesn't know or care who you are.
Me: So have you finished The Stand yet?
Ben: I'm about 78% through.
Ben: Just 2,000 pages to go.
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