Me: Happy Thanksgiv…wait….Christmas is coming?!?.....sweeeeeeeeeeeetttt!!! Let there be snow :)
Ben: Are you high?
Me: Yeah huffin' tryptophan.
Ben: Was actually reading some more INSOMNIA in order to kill time that would otherwise be spent with my family.
Me: Are they all telling racist jokes?
Ben: Omg it’s like you’re right here.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Halloweentown High
Me: Yes why?
Ben: Because for some ineffable reason she packed the book away with all her Halloween decorations.
Me: Maybe she thought it was a Halloween book.
Ben: Stephen King is scary like Halloween is scary.
Me: Is it gone forever now?
Ben: At least until next Halloween. We'll have to postpone our blog’s thrilling conclusion until then.
Me: You already finished that book, you asshole.
Ben: So I guess this would be a good time to ask when the next DARTOWER book is coming out.
Me: Didn't you hear? That series is finished.
Ben: FUCKING spoiler alert!!
Me: Hurry up and finish Christopher Nolan's INSOMNIA, Father Callahan comes back in the next book.
Ben: WHO??!
Me: My god, your brain is full of holes.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
A Cure for Insomnia
Ben: You should be proud of me.
Ben: I got like 30 more pages into INSOMNIA
Ben: while handing out Halloween candy.
Ben: I remember reading THE STAND while handing out candy last yaer.
Ben: Yarr.
Me: We passed our two-year anniversary last month.
Ben: Thanks for ruining my momentum, THE STAND.
Me: It's like you actually are on a journey to reach the Tower.
Ben: How long did it take them to reach the Tower in the books, irl?
Me: Time is out of joint or something.
Me: Has anything else happened in the book yet?
Me: Is it just old people talking about incontinence and abortion?
Ben: Lady got betten up.
Ben: By her hubbind.
Me: That's like the first thing that happens.
Ben: Did I mention that I am on like page 90?
Ben: lol @ your rage.
Me: You're killing me.