Saturday, November 12, 2016


Me: Brah r u pumped to fnly complete the wheel of ka.

Ben: Should I hold off until a date of profound significance?

Me: There's still time to slot in the other 8 Dark Tower-related King books that I didn't give you because their connections are so tangential.

Me: Whenever you start STEPHEN KING PRESENTS STEPHEN KING'S THE DARK TOWER PART VII SUBTITLE THE DARK TOWER though you should journal your thoughts, impressions, and predictions after each chapter so as to accurately gauge your emotional response through this rollercoaster of twists and turns.

Ben: I'll live stream myself as I read it.

Ben: So you can watch, enthralled.

Me: Twitch Reads Stephen King.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Song of a Bitch

Ben: Two-thirds of the way through SONG OF SUSANNAH and I really don’t know if I can bring myself to read King’s self-insert autofanfiction when the time comes.

Ben: Has this man no shame?

Ben: I’m actually otherwise enjoying the book, but damn if this isn’t the most cringeworthy plot device I’ve ever heard of.

Me: How do you know it's coming? 

Ben: Clue #1: I am at the part where they turn into Stephen King’s driveway.

Ben: Clue #2: the blurb on the back cover literally gives this away.

Ben: I had to read the plot summary for WOLVES OF THE CALLA on Wikipedia because I remembered precisely zero of what happened in it.

Ben: And also subsequently the plot summaries of HEARTS IN ATLANTIS and a few other books.

Ben: Should I re-read the septology before I get to the last book?

Me: Did you ever give your final thoughts on DARHOUSE?

Ben: My review THE TALISMAN: dipshit wannabe hero’s journey featuring a heaping helping of child torture and King’s signature pedophilic undertones and magical black men.

Ben: The titular macguffin is inscrutable and underwhelming and suffused with pseudo-spiritual hocus pocus all leading to an unsatisfying conclusion (again, all King staples).

Ben: My review of DARHOUSE: a dumb excuse to make a sequel to a book that demanded none, but the framing narrative is neat and the characters are mostly well-written and there is some legitimate suspense.

Ben: Still suffers from the trademark unsatisfying King ending which avoids explaining anything in lieu of hand-wavey mystical bullshit, but at least the journey was fun.

Ben: Twice as long as it needed to be, but still one sixth as long as THE STAND.

Ben: Also suffers from the fact that it suggests you should read not only the first book, but the entire DARTOWER metaseries to enjoy the full story.

Ben: Which, as we continue to prove, is an exercise in masochism.

Ben: I don’t want to read Stephen King writing his own dialogue.

Ben: This is so stupid.

Ben: “Eddie saw with no real surprise that Stephen King looked like Roland.” ~ Stephen King on how every character in all of his books is just Stephen King

Ben: If I had wanted to be witness to a dude furiously masturbating, I could have just gone on the internet.

Me: Just think, you have spent six years building to this moment.

Ben: =[]

Ben: Progress here is slow-going as I can’t help but bury my face in exasperation with every second line of dialogue.

Me: Where is Father Callahan?

Ben: Sucked through a door into New York, hasn’t been heard from since the first chapter.

Me: Oh good they didn't do the 9/11 scene yet.

Ben: Hahaha.

Ben: What a beautiful day.

Me: Is that a Remember Me reference?

Ben: Now he’s gloating in-universe about how good the stupid first line of the stupid first book is.

Ben: Yeah, it is.

Ben: I’m going to punch my own dick off if their objective here is to get him to tell them the end of the story.

Ben: And now my headcanon for Roland is literally just Stephen King’s stupid squinty portrait from the back of the book, except wearing a cowboy hat.

Ben: Half hoping that Stephen King dies at the end of this book, and that the seventh book is just 600 blank pages.

Me: Bro, this is the true thing that happened to him so he could write this story.

Ben: Part of me believes that he really does believe that.

Me: Stephen King thought he was Gan the creator god but now he knows he's just a mouthpiece through which the stories flow.

Ben: Spooling like a ribbon out of his navel.

Ben: You piece of shit.

Ben: You weren’t kidding about the 9/11 scene.

Ben: “Geez I sure hope this building doesn’t fall down.”

Ben: Highly organic dialogue right there, sai King.

Ben: Oh thank God, he does kill himself at the end of the book.

Ben: I’m finally free.