Paul: Welp.
Paul: O.P. has a new body. Yet again.
Paul: And then Rattrap makes fun of the speed with which they keep changing bodies.
Paul: When Megatron blew up O G O P, I was really wondering how they were going to get themselves out of this mess this time.
Paul: And now there’s a new base. Yay.
Me: I think at the end of season 2 they didn't know if they were coming back for a third season or not so they decided to kill everyone off just in case.
Me: Hence Inferno being fine despite being disintegrated by a PowerPoint dissolve effect last episode.
Me: Just like Master Asia!
Paul: I wondered about that.
Paul: Is 1999’s Beast Machines season 3?
Paul: Or have I already started season 3?
Me: Yes season 2 ended with Megatron killing Optimus Prime.
Me: Just like Mike Stoklasa watching Best of Both Worlds, you got the see the resolution to the three-month cliffhanger in a few minutes.
Paul: That's pretty good.
Paul: I mean, I'm liking Beast Wars and I think it's good TV.
Paul: But I really prefer astonishing, excellent, or transcendant TV. TV so good it probably shouldn't be on TV.
Paul: So far I'm like, 7.
Me: Well it's a cartoon for like 5-year-olds.
Paul: Yes probably mind-blowing at that age.
Paul: I like it.
Paul: It reminds me of Animorphs in more ways than one.
Paul: The war storyline, the animal transformation and coming to grips with that, the comically evil bad guy.
Paul: And the quality.
Paul: Is Beast Machines good?
Me: It is a good show, but a terrible sequel to Beast Wars.
Me: It's a great source of cognitive dissonance because you like seeing all the returning characters voiced by the same actors again but they're all horribly out of character because Hasbro had the Beast Machines people get started without having seen Beast Wars.
Me: As its own show it might even edge out BW in some ways because it's more heavily serialized and thematically coherent.
Me: The themes are like transhumanism and Zen balance though so it's kind of weird.
Me: Also the music is worse, the character models are ugly, and it doesn't have BW's subversive/self-aware/adult humor.
Me: The worst part is the butchered characterization though, everything else would be endurable if it wasn't for that.
Me: The writing is good and it has some pretty cool parts but it's pretty dour.
Paul: I watched part of an episode and that is the vibe I got.
Paul: Hum
Paul: Really, not fun enough? BW is pretty fun.
Paul: Hum that’s the one with the ME3 ending?
Me: Yeah tonally it's a lot darker, instead of evenly matched teams of good guys and bad guys it starts with the bad guys already in power and the Maximals have to wage a guerrilla war against a techno-fascist regime obsessed with racial purity.
Me: Everyone's depressed and there's not much humor.
Paul: Hm.
Paul: That
Paul: uh
Paul: that just sounds like late Animorphs.
Paul: Does the story have anything to do with the events of Beast Wars at all?
Paul: They were on Cybertron in the clip I saw.
Me: Hasbro probably gave them a written summary or something.
Me: I know the BM writers hadn't seen BW when they started.
Me: In the second season they tried to tie it in more.
Paul: Hahaha is just like the BW people with the original Transformers.
Paul: That was a cool tie-in though.