Sunday, February 23, 2020

Star Trek: Picard, Episode 4: "Absolute Candor"

I noticed that I was exactly halfway through Picard episode 4 and said wait but nothing happened yet.

* Picard and his companions deviate from the main campaign to recruit a fifth party member on the planet Vashti, where Picard and Raffi relocated many Romulan refugees with the help of the Moat-Kulat, "Romulan warrior-nuns, the fiercest enemies of the Tal'Shiar."  

There's a five minute scene where Dr. Gerardi asks questions so the other characters can deliver exposition for the audience's benefit but no one asks exactly what the warrior-nuns' place is in the Romulan Star Empire.

* Since they fight the Tal'Shiar I guess they're expatriates?

Idk. But Picard says they're the best hand-to-hand combat masters in the galaxy and I guess he knows there are going to be a lot of fight scenes ahead so they go to recruit an asari Justicar.

* Picard tracks down a young Romulan boy he knew when resettling the refugees.

He has grown into Romulan Legolas now and completed the training of the Moat-Kulat but because he is a man he can never join them. 

* The Moat-Kulat leader asks Picard to take him along so he has something to do but Legolas is angry with Picard for abandoning him and everyone else on Vashti, which in the years since the Romulan supernova and the android attack on Mars has fallen into squalor and is besieged by warlords and marauders.

* "You couldn't save everyone so you decided to save no one."

* Picard heads back to the ship but on the way he stops to pick a fight at a local tavern for no discernible reason.

He rips down the sign that says "Romulans Only" and defiantly stomps over it to demand service from the wait staff.

* A Romulan tries to swordfight him but Picard refuses, then Legolas appears and decapitates the Romulan, announcing that he has pledged his sword to Picard.

Picard is angered however and declares that that man didn't deserve to die. 

* I assumed Picard that had picked a fight to intentionally endanger himself and force Legolas to save him, so I'm not sure what the fuck he thought was going to happen. 

Meanwhile Bedhead British Romulan takes Sochi to a deserted part of the Borg cube, promising to show her an ancient Borg ritual.

* He tells her to take off her shoes and follow his example, then slides across the floor in his socks. This scene goes on for about 45 minutes. Later his sister shows up in his bedroom and they incest-bait.

Picard and his companions are leaving Vashti when they are attacked by the local warlord in his "antique Bird of Prey."

* They are in a tight spot until a mysterious ship appears and helps them fight off the bad guy.

The ship is damaged in the battle however and they beam the pilot aboard. Picard tells Legolas to be ready to decapitate him if he turns out to be a villain, but then the unknown pilot materializes on the transporter pad... and it's Seven of Nine!

* The music swells dramatically and then goes silent as the camera cuts to Picard and he says "Who the hell are you?"

No I'm just kidding, that actually would have been funny.

* He actually says "Seven of Nine!" and she says "You owe me a ship, Picard" and then it ends.       

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