Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Social Man

Me: I've never eaten a gyro.

Ben: What the fuck.

Ben: Are you some kinda fuckin Neanderthal?

Ben: Sloped forehead and all.

Me: At least I've seen the Indiana Jones movies.

Ben: You've got me there.

Me: Did you finish that book yet?

Ben: 'Bout halfway done.

Ben: Amused that this is another book of short stories.

Ben: Even more amused that it is a story being told inside of a story being told.

Ben: Which itself is inside of a story being told since Stephen King is like the omnigod of this fictional universe or something.

Me: It's like those China dolls.

Ben: Um Russian dolls you fuck.

Ben: I am inside the innermost story.

Ben: So far it is more enjoyable than its parent.

Ben: More fantasy and fewer young girls having their limbs torn bodily from their body and then before they can bleed to death being split apart from head-to-bleeding-leg-stump as a result of being raped by a throbbing lycanthropic erection.

Me: Whaaat was that a thing that happened.

Ben: Quite possibly.

Ben: Perhaps I am embellishing.

Ben: But all the ingredients are there.

Me: Did dark man show up yet?

Ben: Is the dark man the skin man?

Me: No the tax collector.

Ben: Fuck.

Ben: You've ruined it.

Me: You asshole.

Me: How far are you?

Ben: The mom just remarried and the kid is working at the lumber mill.

Ben: Things are going okay.

Me: Not for long!

Ben: I sure hope not!

Ben: What a fucking boring story that would be.

Me: You know that Stephen loves punishing his characters.

Me: How was the STARKBLAST?

Ben: What are you even asking?

Me: I don't even know.

Me: Nothing has happened in the book so far for me to ask you about.

Ben: Is that an indictment of Dartower 4.5?

Ben: That halfway through the book there has yet to be anything worth talking about.

Me: No I liked it, it's just mostly uneventful for the main narrative.

Me: Once the kid leaves town it picks up.

Ben: kk

Me: kkk

Ben: Cut.

Ben: Print.

Ben: That's a wrap.

Ben: Wanna go out and get a gyro after this?

Me: Yeah sure-- [truck hit by rpg]

Ben: How thoughtful of Facebook chat to insert that notification.

Me: Mark Zuckerberg is using my own weapons against me.

Ben: brb suppressive fire



Ben: What does Mark Zuckerberg have to do with this?

Me: He is the terrorists.

Ben: I think that you are conflating IRON MAN ONE and THE SOCIAL NETWORK.


Me: Starring Robin Williams.

Ben: Strangely, despite top billing, nowhere in the film does Robin Williams make an appearance.

Ben: This was met with critical acclaim.

Ben: "At least it doesn't star Robin Williams." ~ Gene Roddenberry

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