Friday, November 22, 2024

Return of the Jedi: The Ewoks' Hang-Gliding Adventure

The Ewoks' Hang-Gliding Adventure

Author: Judy Herbstman
Illustrator: Pat Paris
Medium: Picture book
Publication Date: May 1984
Timeline Placement: 1 BBY
It's now fall on Endor and the Ewoks' Harvest Festival is coming up. All these little dudes do is have one festival after another, when do they ever get any work done? Not today, because while Princess Kneesaa is doing important things like weaving baskets, Wicket and Teebo decide to skip their chores and go hang-gliding instead. Kneesaa warns them that the weather forecast is not looking good but Wicket, having forgotten his lesson from the previous book, says that she is just too afraid to go hang-gliding.

The boys take the unsupervised gliders and have better luck than Teebo did the last time he tried this, but eventually it starts to storm and the Ewoks are forced down in a strange part of the forest. They take shelter in a cave where they complain about being lost and hungry.

Meanwhile, the adult Ewoks are cursing those lazy no-account good-for-nothing goof-offs Wicket and Teebo for shirking their chores. Kneesaa doesn't want them to get in trouble so she starts sending up smoke signals telling them to come home right away. After the storm passes, Wicket and Teebo venture out of the cave, see the smoke signals, and are able to follow them back to the village. Wicket apologizes to Kneesaa again (something he'll be doing for the rest of his life, as canon has them eventually marry) and the three friends have lunch.

Very obviously a book for little kids, still better than most of the prequel tie-ins.

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