Wednesday, January 29, 2025


Writers: Jesse Wittenrich & Greg Black
Publication date: October 8, 2015

Legacy is a one-page comic included with the 2015 BotCon Legacy Collection of convention-exclusive toys that didn't sell well enough the previous year. It's really just a very brief vignette, with no plot, spoken dialogue, or character action or interaction. Five art panels and a series of text boxes communicate Shokaract's inner monologue as he muses over his vague personal history and reveals that he is now on his way back to Cybertron as a conqueror. "I return prepared, ready to complete my conquest. You, Cybertron. You are not prepared..." 

Not sure exactly what his plan is because the entirety of his forces seems to just be the Star Seeker pirates, and it's not even clear if they're actually working for him. He just says that he has "used them." The panel featuring them acknowledges their intervening adventures, which were told exclusively through a series of posts on the "Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur" Facebook page. Captain Cannonball led his crew on a mission to recover Starscream's immortal spark, only to have his spark switched with Starscream's and his body reformatted into a Starscream redeco. Following his disembodiment, Flamewar took over as captain. That's interesting, but I sure don't care!

So maybe this version of Shokaract will again become the mighty warlord he was in the unmade future timeline from Reaching the Omega Point. We'll never find out, because this is chronologically the last story set in the Wings Universe and the last time we'll ever see any of these characters. Which is kind of a shame, as I liked Alpha Trizer and the Cybertronian Knights and would have been interested in further stories featuring them, as well as a version of the Shokaract story that could unfold at its own pace without ruining or being limited by Beast Wars continuity. But oh well, that's the end.

The Grand Unified Beast Wars Timeline

So where does that leave our fruitless effort to coalesce all Beast Wars tie-in media into a single, unified chronology? Well, I gave up on that around the time Simon Furman reused so many of the same characters in incompatible ways in Primeval Dawn (3H continuity) and The Gathering (IDW continuity). Prior to that, the discrepancies were minor enough that you could wallpaper over them without much headcanon. The two different resurrections of Ravage were a bridge too far for me, though. You could invent a story explaining it (and all the other redundant characters in those two stories) away, but Hasbro ain't paying me to do that for them.

Nevertheless, here is a color-coded timeline incorporating all the Transformers stories that share continuity with the Beast Wars and Beast Machines cartoons in chronological order, regardless of their continuity with each other. Having read all of these stories in this order, I'm sad to say I can't recommend it. It didn't have a deleterious effect on my opinion of the stories, most of which wouldn't have been very good regardless of reading order, but the fact that they just don't fit together, especially the 3H and IDW universes, eventually became more of a distraction than a fun challenge.

If you were to read these stories, my suggestion would be to limit yourself to the 3H and IDW continuities, Hoist the Flag, and the Beast Wars short stories in the Transformers Legends anthology, without intermingling their respective timelines. 3H is the most expansive, but also potentially the least satisfying because of its myriad of dangling plot threads and unresolved story arcs. IDW is self-contained, but also pointless. The handful of Dreamwave stories and single TransTech comic can all be skipped.

Really the ultimate takeaway here is that the original Beast Wars cartoon was so good that it didn't need any sequels, prequels, mid-quels, tie-ins, spinoffs, follow-ups, or expansions. All of those things had the potential to be done well, but none was ever able to quite measure up.

3H Productions and Fun Publications
IDW Publishing
Dreamwave Productions
TransTech continuity
Wings continuity
Unicron Trilogy continuity
Fits any continuity
* The Transformers Seasons 1–2
* The Transformers: The Movie

* The Transformers Seasons 3–4 
* Three Dinosaurs (events described in Hot Rod's interviews)
* Dawn of the Predacus
* Three Dinosaurs (Hot Rod's interviews)

c. 2030s–2200s
* Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur, March 18 – June 3 entries
* Beast Wars II
* Beast Wars Neo

* Descent Into Evil
* Intimidation Game

c. 2200s
* The Razor's Edge (chapters 1–9)

2319 or 2335
* Theft of the Golden Disk
* More Than Meets the Eye #1 (prologue), #8 (epilogue)
* Dawn of Future's Past (retroactively added to both Wings and IDW continuities)

[~~~time travel shenanigans ensue~~~]
180,000 or 70,000 BC
* Beast Wars Season 1
  • "Beast Wars, Parts 1–2"
  • "The Web"
  • "Equal Measures"
  • "Chain of Command"
  • "Power Surge"
  • "Fallen Comrades"
  • "Double Jeopardy"
  • "A Better Mousetrap"
  • "Gorilla Warfare"
  • "The Probe"
  • "Victory"
  • "Dark Designs"
  • "Double Dinobot"
  • "The Spark"
  • The Razor's Edge (prologue and epilogue take place two weeks after "The Spark")
  • "The Trigger, Parts 1–2"
  • "Spider's Game"
  • Ground Zero (takes place between "Spider's Game" and "Before the Storm")
  • "Call of the Wild"
  • "Dark Voyage"
  • "Possession"
  • "The Low Road"
  • "Law of the Jungle"
  • "Before the Storm"
  • "Other Voices, Parts 1–2"
* Beast Wars Season 2
  • "Aftermath"
  • "Coming of the Fuzors, Parts 1–2"
  • "Tangled Web"
  • "Maximal, No More"
  • "Other Visits, Parts 1–2"
  • Apelinq's War Journal 15
  • Reaching the Omega Point Prologue: Visitations
  • Reaching the Omega Point Prologue: Herald 
  • Apelinq's War Journals 16–17
  • "Bad Spark"
  • "Code of Hero"
  • "Transmutate"
  • "The Agenda, Parts 1–3"
  • Reaching the Omega Point Part 1: Covenant (takes place in the present but is trans-temporally affected by events in "The Agenda, Part 3")
* Beast Wars Season 3
  • "Optimal Situation"
  • "Deep Metal"
  • "Changing of the Guard"
  • The Gathering (takes place during "Changing of the Guard")
  • "Cutting Edge"
  • "Feral Scream, Parts 1–2"
  • "Proving Grounds"
  • "Go With the Flow"
  • "Crossing the Rubicon"
  • "Master Blaster"
  • The Gathering (epilogue)
  • Reaching the Omega Point Part 2: Schism
  • "A Meeting of Minds"
  • Reaching the Omega Point Part 3: Paradox
  • Apelinq's War Journals 18–20
  • Reaching the Omega Point Finale: Terminus
  • "Other Victories"
  • "Nemesis, Parts 1–2"
  • "A Meeting of Minds" (final scene takes place at the end of "Nemesis, Part 2")
  • The Ascending
  • Ain't No Rat
  • Shell Game 
  • Collections
  • Primeval Dawn 
[~~~end of time travel shenanigans~~~]
* The Ascending (epilogue)
* Three Dinosaurs (frame story)
* Apelinq's War Journals 1–14
* Beast Machines Season 1
  • "The Reformatting"
  • "Master of the House"
  • "Fires of the Past"
  • "Mercenary Pursuits"
  • "Forbidden Fruit"
  • "The Weak Component"
  • "Revelations, Part I: Discovery"
  • "Revelations, Part II: Descent"
  • "Revelations, Part III: Apocalypse!"
  • "Survivor"
  • "The Key"
  • "The Catalyst" 
  • "End of the Line"   
  • "Prime Spark" (crossover with Unicron Trilogy universe)
* Beast Machines Season 2
  • "Fallout"
  • "Savage Noble"
  • "Prometheus Unbound"
  • "In Darkest Knight"
  • "A Wolf in the Fold"
  • "Home Soil"
  • The Wreckers Part 1: Departure (takes place between "Prometheus Unbound" and "The Strike")
  • "Sparkwar, Part I: The Strike"
  • "Sparkwar, Part II: The Search"
  • "Sparkwar, Part III: The Siege"
  • "Spark of Darkness"
  • "Singularity Ablyss" (takes place during "Spark of Darkness")
  • "Endgame, Part I: The Downward Spiral"
  • "Endgame, Part II: When Legends Fall"
  • "Endgame, Part III: Seeds of the Future"
  • The Wreckers Part 2: Betrayal
  • The Wreckers Part 3: Disclosure
  • The Wreckers Part 4: Renewal
  • The Wreckers Finale 
* Transformers: Universe #1: Abduction
* Voice Actor Drama (2003)
* Transformers: Universe #2: Escape
* Transformers: Universe #3: Homecoming
* Voice Actor Drama (2004) + Transformers: Universe
* Revelations Part 2 (Universe War flashback)
c. 2371–2421
* Dawn of Future's Past (epilogue)

* Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur, June 18–24 entries
* Hoist the Flag
* Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur, June 30 – January 7 entries
* Legacy  


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