Me: you have sex with a guy from onlien b4?
Ben: Only once.
Ben: I wouldn't recommend it.
Ben: I finished PART TWO of 'SALEM'S LOT.
Me: Jesus how many parts are there?
Ben: Just one more, then the epilogue.
I'm kind of sad at the abruptness with which the female lead was
dispatched, but I'm not sure I expected any better fate for her.
I guess I'm also a little disappointed that the event should be seen
from the point of view of this child who we have invested so little time
Ben: I'm still sort of baffled as to why he even included a child in the story
Ben: since he is not in fact a child at all, but a hyper-rational Buddhist monk Mary Sue.
Me: He brought a better stake than that dumb girl did.
Ben: Fat lot of good it did him.
Ben: How the fuck did he expect to get in the window without her being there?
Me: What has happened so far in the story?
Me: How long is part 3?
It left off with the first chapter from Callahan's point of view, where
he visits the schoolteacher in the hospital and agrees to some unknown
Immediately prior was the scene where the child pulls a Houdini and is
tragically just seconds too late to save Susan from suffering an
off-screen undeath.
Me: Oh so there's still a ways to go yet.
Ben: Looks like 170 pages or so to go.
Me: Is the doctor's throat still ripped out?
Ben: I think he was fine.
Ben: Somehow.
Ben: They waited around for the sheriff to arrive and interrogate them without suffering any difficulty due to the doctor's wound.
Me: Ben sucked out the poison.
Ben: I think that might have actually happened.
Ben: Was that a joke?
Me: I don't remember.
Me: I think he did something to get the toxins out.
Ben: Maybe he just injected him with holy water.
Ben: Or said a prayer or something.
Me: Yeah I think.
Me: Is the action kicking into high-gear yet?
Ben: The last real action was the child beating Straker with a pipe
Ben: and then running home.
Ben: And then there's a spooky scene where he's being visited by Susan
Ben: who for whatever reason does not just go to his parents' window and use vampire persuasion on them to get into the house.
Ben: But no it is not relentless knuckle-whitening testicle-exploding action at the moment.
Me: Hurry up and get back to the Dark Tower.
Ben: It will give me unparalleled insight into the journey for the Dartower.
Me: That's true.
Ben: The man in black is actually Straker.
Me: You don't need to spend three months analyzing it though.
Me: The back cover gives away the connection.
Ben: Every Stephen King book that is tangential to the Dark Tower series ends with the man in black being mutilated.
Me: Hahaha.
Ben: Calling it right now.
Ben: He's the hotel chef from THE SHINING.
Ben: And the spider from IT.
Ben: And the author from MISERY.
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