Sunday, October 4, 2020

Mad Megatron Beyond Cybertron



Paul: WRITTEN BY not d c fontana oh well.

Paul: Dude, she like JUST died.

Paul: December 2, 2019.

Paul: Alright so um

Paul: Megatron immediately winds and sexually harasses Black Arachnia.

Paul: Cool.

Paul: So Megatron wants to gay-kiss Megatron, gotcha.

Paul: Duude the shit around his spar is gnarly AF.

Paul: Like, six layers of armor, an artichoke, and a tentacle.

Paul: Drop him in the lava, One Ring-style.

Paul: Quickstrike the murderous hillbilly from the Old West is growing on me as a character.

Paul: Wow this must have blown your mind as a kid.

Paul: I do like a little change, a little twist.

Paul: Then again p. sure he's not dead aha.

Paul: Megatron Rex's dumb, anyways, cuz original Optimus looks a lot fucking better than original Megatron.

Paul: Just better design.

Paul: He's gonna look like shit.

Paul: hahahaha a DRAGON??

Paul: That

Paul: makes no sense.

Paul: Also ice powers lol.

Paul: Hahaha awesome.

Paul: God fucking dammit, WHO are the builders aliens and WHEN do we see them?

Me: Next episoddddddddd.

Paul: Good!

Paul: Time for the big finale!

Me: We know from Skyrim that dragons can breathe either fire or ice.

Paul: Or just shout loud.


Paul: hhahaa they're baaack!

Paul: Thank god Samurai and Smaller Gay Samurai are back in the picture.

Paul: And everybody was nice to them at the end, and they got a WELCOME HOME from Optimus!

Paul: Wow this is a lot better than that time corporate had them make a zombie Dinobot.

Paul: Also, things are coming to a close.

Paul: Cool.

Me: Now that all the characters have been introduced and achieved their final forms you can finally make your definitive ranking.

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