Friday, October 9, 2020

Till All Are One


Paul: BEAST WARS T-1: Meagtron find spacship

Paul: big boom

Paul: Waspinator rebels.

Paul: Um, Derpth Charge finally killed a crab, and also Dinobot 2 died while flashing back to the real one for some reason.

Me: They cut the shot of Rampage letting go of the sword and allowing Depth Charge to kill him when it aired on Fox Kids.

Me: Blew my mind when I saw it on DVD.

Paul: If shoving energon straight into his open spark was enough to kill the "immortal" Rampage then MAYBE they should have thought to do that back on Cybertron. They have enough energon.

Me: Hahaha

Paul: Yeah I guess he wanted to die?

Paul: Hmm neato.

Paul: Nah but I read you, though.

Me: Only RAW energon!

Paul: RAW energon that is naturally in the shape of a sword for no reason.

Me: So they could have a sword fight on the bottom of the ocean.

Me: I assume that was a last-minute resolution they threw in because they thought they were getting a fourth season.

Me: Which is why they set up Tarantulas’s “secret origins” and then he immediately died.

Paul: They should've both been eaten by the Firaxa.



Me: Re: Dinobot, you may remember in the episode before the original Dinobot died he hooked himself up to the Maximal ship’s computer in a scene that was never explained. This was meant to lead into a season 3 episode where it turned out that he had made a backup of his hard drive and Rattrap went on an adventure to install it in the clone. The original Dinobot’s personality would emerge momentarily but Rampage’s spark was too strong and the clone personality quickly reasserted itself, leaving Rattrap despondent.

Me: I think they had the whole script ready but Hasbro canceled the episode because it was too dark.

Paul: "Dark Glass" was an unproduced episode planned for Beast Wars' third season, written by Christy Marx. It was replaced by "Go With the Flow". Rattrap salvages a computer bank from the Axalon and in it's circuits he and Rhinox find the core consciousness of the old Dinobot (which as you will recall Dinobot downloaded in a previous episode). Rattrap gets obsessed with the idea that he can restore the old Dinobot by getting it into the new Dinobot's systems. Rhinox tells him this will probably not work, as a core consciousness without a spark is only an illusion of the person to whom it belonged. And if it didn't work, it just might give the Dinobot II all the old Dinobot's memory schematics and habits on the Maximals which could give the Preds and advantage. Optimus thus forbids the attempt. Rattrap defies this order, sneaks out and at much risk to himself, does manage to get the core consciousness in place. For a moment the old Dinobot does seem to emerge but as Rhinox warned he is only a shadow of his former self and must do everything he can to keep Dinobot II from regaining control of his body, a weird mental struggle which would have been fun to animate. The old Dinobot knows he is doomed to lose this struggle and tries to "sacrifice" himself again by infiltrating the Predacons and taking out Megatron before he can complete his master plan to destroy the Autobots that were in stasis in the Ark. It doesn't work and Dinobot II regains control of his body only to be blasted by Megatron. Rattrap comes to accept that his old pal is truly dead and realizes he cannot bring him back. However he honors his friends memory. (original post)

Paul: Yes!!!

Paul: That would have been cool!

Me: Clearly the episode with cave people building a super weapon was better.

Me: Be careful though you’re treading toward spoilers for the finale!!!

Me: The secret of Waspinator’s fate must be preserved.

Paul: Damn would that have made Dinobot II a much more fucking interesting character.


Paul: Anyways, last ep.

Paul: So wait the fourth season was canceled at the last moment?

Paul: Oh also this scripture stuff is bizarre!

Me: I haven’t read up on it in a while but I’m pretty sure that the first two seasons they didn’t know if they were renewed or not, so they intentionally ended on big cliffhangers, whereas in season 3 they were supposed to be renewed so Tarantulas’s secret origins and Tigerhawk were introduced real late, as well as Megatron’s dragon form, because they were supposed to feature more in season 4. There was also going to be a new character from the toy line brought into the show called Optimus Minor.

Me: The Nemesis story was going to be the season 3 finale and they were supposed to find three G1 Decepticons on board, Dirge, Ramjet, and Thrust, who would reactivate and fight the Maximals or something.

Me: Don’t know how much they had planned out but at the last minute Hasbro told them they were canceling the show and the toy line and firing the creative staff so they could make Beast Machines instead so they had to wrap everything up at the last minute.

Me: They did a pretty good job, besides stuff like Tarantulas being dropped and new forms being introduced at the last minute you wouldn’t be able to tell.

Me: Transformers mythology is a fucking rabbit hole.

Paul: hahaha

Paul: Okay.

Paul: So that one shot from Empire Strikes Back happened.

Paul: And happy end.

Paul: Happy ending for Waspinator!

Paul: Nice show.

Paul: That was a little rushed there but o well.

Me: What was the shot from Empire?



Paul: Haha that's right, they forgot to put his soul back oops.

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