Paul: Okay so yes, you weren't lying, ep. 5 literally starts at the Standing Stones with a gorilla holding a BAD-ASS tricorder.
Paul: I admit I like the consistent characterization in this cartoon but Jesus the Saturday morning-ness.
Paul: The robots FIGHT NOW oooooh.
Paul: Every fucking time haha.
Paul: Well, I guess that's its genre.
Paul: Oh shit a golden burrito from space showed up!
Paul: aaaaawww yeah I'm stoked!
Paul: haha yeah the Maximals use their ancient tradition...SECRET BALLOT.
Me: What a wonderful concept, this democracy, but with one fatal flaw: no way to break a tie!
Paul: I mean like
Paul: democracy is hard if none of your animal robots know parliamentary procedure.
Paul: I liked this ep!
Paul: I mean they've all been pretty fun so far.
Paul: Nice seed for future story. Rhinox (the ox-form robot from the Rhine valley) said that the aliens know the robot dudes are intelligent and have destructive capabilities.
Paul: Soooo, maybe they're nice Day the Earth Stood Still aliens??
Paul: I'm excited.
Paul: Okay next ep.
Me: Oh good Terrorsaur episode.
Me: Who are the best to worst Beast Warriors so far?
Paul: Dinobot I thought would be gangster but he's a bit one-note.Paul: Rhinox is the best. Satrap is an Iranian king, and also a great character. #2. Then Optimus.
Paul: After that....Megatron!
Paul: And then I guess Dinobot. I wanted so much more. I expect he has an arc yet.
Me: You forgot Waspinator!
Paul: And all the guys
Paul: Ep 7: dude, finally trees!
Paul: Also wtf does he even have to eat?
Paul: The Predacons are retarded bumblers. Clearly they shouldn't be fucking with these ancient alien ruins lol.
Paul: Why fuck with the unobtanium here? For real? In this flying island???
Me: I think him eating flocks of birds was a character trait from the back of his action figure box.
Paul: Uh-oh.
Paul: Yeah he just got fucked by the energon.
Me: I can't believe James Cameron ripped off Beast Wars.
Paul: Everybody does!! hahaha
Paul: Oh wait he became super powerful instead?
Paul: K.
Paul: That'll have cool character consequences.
Paul: Dude Beast Wars is apparently the origin of literally every 21st century science fiction story.
Paul: Wow t-rexbro got totally destroyed, this is basically a child blowing up his toys.
Paul: Cheetar: "Super bad!"
Me: Yeah still waiting for the eva episode where Shenji gets his arms legs and head blown off
Me: This is serious TV.
Paul: Just wait.
Paul: "Terrosaur scrapped Megatron like he was a.....maintenance bot!"
Paul: This show is anti-janitor.
Paul: The spiderbot climbs up one rope like a boss.
Paul: A spider boss.
Paul: Opt gets the same warning signal that the Perdtards got. Without even thinking, he returns to beast mode. That's leadership.
Paul: If only General had used his beast mode.
Paul: I hate a wise butt.
Me: Sometimes crazy works.
Paul: I thought it was "wise guy"?
Me: That's Goodfellas.
Paul: It pleases me immensely how great Ratrap is at fucking over the spider guy.
Paul: He wins handily every time but being a dirtier fighter. I love it.
Me: He doesn't fight with the honor of a true samurai.
Paul: Without a character like Ratrap, the "dirty" bad guy is so annoying. Like Optimus versus spiderbot would piss me off so much. I'd want to kill Optimus.
Paul: Quit being so honorable, fuckface.
Me: Did Terrorsaur become the god-emperor of Dune yet?
Paul: The one that turned into a worm?
Paul: Yes he is a worm.
Paul: So yes.
Paul: It's the next episode and he's reading the scanner to Megatron like there was never a problem.
Paul: This suggests that the Predacons actually have deep emotional resilience and forgiveness and function as a better team than the Maximals. Like, we'd have a whole episode of emotional fallout if Ratrap had shot up Optimus.
Paul: The wrong side keeps winning! How are children supposed to learn about life from this show?!
Paul: OH.
Me: Idk if it's been stated yet but Megatron is a renegade Predacon so it stands to reason that the only people he could convince to go along on his damn fool idealistic crusade are lunatics and morons.
Paul: Also I can see map of the planet and it's clearly not Earth, but just as clearly made by copy-pasting Asia around, mirror-imaging Africa and stretching out South America. So either this is literally lazy world-building or it's BIZARRO EARTH.
Paul: icic
Paul: Only lunatics and morons were attracted to Megatron's cause. Nice so Dinobot is literally a LARPing samurai primitivist unabomber who wants to return to feudalism?Paul: Like, a would-be knight?
Paul: A Quixote!
Paul: Deep.
Paul: Dinobot the moment Optimus is shot at all: Fear not I'll throw you a viking funeral.
Me: Hahaha
Paul: I mean he is pretty bad-ass.
Me: Optimus isn't ready for the scrap heap yet!
Paul: Dinobot is now taking orders from a giant glowing hologram of a gorilla's head...this is definitely a step down from Power Rangers.Me: Optimus is such a badass he's leading his troops even while convalescing in a regeneration tank.
Paul: He's so fucking mellow like this.
Paul: The moon??
Paul: Um okay boss, a Siberian snow tiger.
Paul: Not sure if real animal but w/e.
Me: A white tiger ate Siegfried and/or Roy.
Paul: That was a hoax.
Paul: Like the moon landing.
Paul: Also I love how smart eloquent Megatron is.
Paul: He's the most well-spoken man with a dinosaur for a hand that I know!
Paul: They've said slag like 4 times this episode.
Paul: Never said it before I swear.
Me: Rhinox said Dinobot had "bearings of chrome steel" though.
Paul: Haha he wins by threatening to torture cats
Paul: I remember that.
Paul: That was a great moment for a ten-year-old's vocabulary.
Paul: This is the strangest army recruitment video I've ever seen.
Paul: Tigertron seems like he's a black guy to me?
Paul: Does that make sense?
Me: His voice actor's name is Blu Mankuma!
Paul: ?
Paul: What he wants to live in the woods?
Paul: Is he Ax?
Paul: Dude I knew it!
Me: He's the sixth Ranger they call in times of greatest need or something.
Paul: Yeeesssss black man.
Me: Look forward to the next episode of beast wars which introduces the sex appeal character.
Paul: oh fuuuuuuuuuck
Paul: hahahaha
Paul: I get the ancient American animated tradition of sexualizing something utterly ridiculous (a robot, Babs Bunny, the My Little Ponies) to the point of invoking nausea.
Paul: You get the ancient Japanese animated tradition of having a child not yet old enough to vote be sodomized by something resembling a sea creature.
Paul: Somehow, we both lose.
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