Monday, May 4, 2020

Rogue One is trending so here's a reminder that it isn't very good

1. Rogue One shows the Death Star superlaser dish being installed even though Revenge of the Sith showed it being built into the Death Star superstructure 19 years earlier.

Maybe they took it out to clean it.

2. Vader says the Death Star plans were beamed to Leia's ship but in Rogue One some guy manually delivers them on a floppy disc right in front of his fucking face.

3. The Death Star's thermal exhaust port isn't a plot hole, but even if it were, Rogue One doesn't fix it. Hannibal doesn't even know about it, that's why he sent his daughter on a suicide mission to steal the plans!

4. They sensibly recast Mon Mothma but Grand Moff Tarkin got to Rogue One by way of L.A. Noire.

5. Admiral Raddus is in a huge hurry to get to Scarif but he waits around long enough for Tantive IV to load up the droids and dock with his ship, even though they already have an important mission to Tatooine and do nothing during the battle except set up the original Star Wars.

6. Besides the droid all the characters FUCKING SUCK. Oh no, Brody's about to be driven irreparably mad by the psychic powers of a tentacle monster! Oh but he's fine now for some reason, what a relief.

7. It's a competently made movie but I really don't understand how people who absolutely loathe the sequels have nothing but good things to say about it, when it commits all the same cardinal sins as the rest of Disney Star Wars, just to a lesser degree.
* Pointless and distracting memberberries (Ponda Baba and Dr. Evazan, the droids)
* Disregard for established lore (you can't jump to hyperspace within a planetary gravity well)
* Blatant continuity violations (the Battle of Scarif doesn't fit at all with the beginning of A New Hope)
* Flat and undeveloped characters whose interactions make no sense (Andor is established as a cold-blooded assassin yet can't bring himself to kill the father of this person he's just met, Maize Bulbous calls Jyn his sister when they just met like 20 minutes earlier)
* Terrible CGI recreations of dead or aged actors (why would they recast Mon Mothma yet have that awful Tarkin abomination in the same movie?)
* Random undeveloped subplots that go nowhere (the tentacle monster, Saw randomly letting himself be killed for no reason)
* Weak and unimposing villain. There was a potentially interesting dynamic with Krennic as former friend or at least work colleague of Galen Erso, but he doesn't care all when Galen dies and he doesn't care at all when he finds out the person foiling all his plans is Galen's daughter, who he knew years ago as a little girl. His role as the central antagonist is continually undercut by Vader and Tarkin, neither of whom even needed to be in the movie.
The central premise behind the movie is so weak it feels like the movie doesn't even need to exist. It's a meme that the Death Star thermal exhaust port is some kind of plot hole (it's not) but it turns out the Death Star did have a weak spot intentionally built into it. It wasn't the exhaust port, though, it was the main reactor, which Galen Erso made more prone to blowing up, I guess. Did he also design the second Death Star and the Trade Federation droid control ship? In Star Wars, when you blow up a ship's main reactor, the ship blows up with it. I'm so sorry, Galen, but you wasted your time.
I don’t hate the movie but I don’t think it’s particularly good and given its problems it always blows my mind when people say it’s as good as or better than any of the Original Trilogy.

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